We're back!!! Paddington Colts training today
First of all, I wanted to thank you all for your patience while the club has been working out how to meet the guidelines required to get our season back up and running. The good news is that we have the green light to resume training this week, and playing after the 19th of June.
Although we need to make some changes to our normal training routines, we will get through this, as we always do as an aligned family club that sticks together through thick and thin, always putting the enjoyment and safety of all our members and families first.
Training resumes this FRIDAY, 3 July between 4.30 pm and 7.30 pm at Woollahra Oval 2 & 3.
Yes, quite a change and apologies as I know this might be a bit out of the way for most families’ budget restrictions. Grounds availability has hampered our effort.
Being school holidays, I realise some of our players might be out of town, so please don't stress, but if you can make it please do so. Don’t forget to contact your team on Whatsapp. We're looking into alternative days and locations for training down the track more likely next season.
For this season, training will be at Woollahra at this time and place. Finally we have a place to call home. We also realise some players in some age groups will be playing rugby on Friday nights in a few week's time, but don't worry, we'll sort something out.
A big thanks to all those coaches, trainers, parents, and Colts who have contributed to get us back on the training and playing field.
A special thanks to Chairmen Bob Tate and Garry Hardaker, Life members who have been at the coalface of every detail to get us back on the field. Cleared and Registered.
Even when the canary died, Bob and Garry continued to dig to get us and keep us going.
Thank you Craig Markham President "Bush"
I look forward to seeing you. See you Friday. Written & Spoken by Jimmy Vesper Sanctioned by Chairmen G Hardaker, B Tate & C Markham President Paddington Colts Sports Club “May the Horse be with You”
Although we need to make some changes to our normal training routines, we will get through this, as we always do as an aligned family club that sticks together through thick and thin, always putting the enjoyment and safety of all our members and families first.
Training resumes this FRIDAY, 3 July between 4.30 pm and 7.30 pm at Woollahra Oval 2 & 3.
Yes, quite a change and apologies as I know this might be a bit out of the way for most families’ budget restrictions. Grounds availability has hampered our effort.
Being school holidays, I realise some of our players might be out of town, so please don't stress, but if you can make it please do so. Don’t forget to contact your team on Whatsapp. We're looking into alternative days and locations for training down the track more likely next season.
For this season, training will be at Woollahra at this time and place. Finally we have a place to call home. We also realise some players in some age groups will be playing rugby on Friday nights in a few week's time, but don't worry, we'll sort something out.
A big thanks to all those coaches, trainers, parents, and Colts who have contributed to get us back on the training and playing field.
A special thanks to Chairmen Bob Tate and Garry Hardaker, Life members who have been at the coalface of every detail to get us back on the field. Cleared and Registered.
Even when the canary died, Bob and Garry continued to dig to get us and keep us going.
Thank you Craig Markham President "Bush"
I look forward to seeing you. See you Friday. Written & Spoken by Jimmy Vesper Sanctioned by Chairmen G Hardaker, B Tate & C Markham President Paddington Colts Sports Club “May the Horse be with You”
COVID-19 Safety Training Protocol
Now with training, we need to follow a few simple protocols for everyone's safety and to restrict gatherings to under 20. These include:1. Obviously, if your son has a cold or any symptoms, please do not bring him to training.
2. Please try to arrive close to 4.30 pm, our training start time and be there at 5.30 pm for pick up.
3. At drop off, please park in the car park and walk your son to the fence at the beginning of the playing fields.
4. Players must sanitise their hands before they can approach the team and join the training. Sanitser will be available at the ground, plus I will have some just for our team. I will also have our footballs sanitised.
5. All coaches, trainers, and attending players' names will be taken down on an attendance register. If a parent enters the playing fields, they must also register their name.
6. Social distancing will be observed as best as possible. Our focus on the first sessions will be fitness, fun and skills, with minimal contact.
7. At the end of the training, all players, coaches, trainers must again sanitise their hands.
8. Once players spot their parent/s, they are to leave immediately.
If we do what we can and follow the rules, the mighty Colts can get back to what they do best and display to the world, in their own unique way, why they call the game of Rugby League, the greatest game of all.
Things are changing and updating daily we will keep you informed.