A message to the Paddington Colts U 9's from Coach Richard Thomas 

Good afternoon everyone,
Tomorrow at 4pm at the Centennial Park Reservoir. We have been quite short of numbers in recent weeks partly due to weather so a full team at training tomorrow would be fantastic. If not can you please let me know so I can plan the session accordingly. If logistics are an issue, please let me know and I can help arrange transport.

This Sundays game 4th June

vs Liechhardt Wanderers Black

11:10am - Blackmore Oval

(Same place we played the round robin tournament)

Click Here

If we can all be there at 10:40am for a warm that would be great.

Very abbreviated weekend wrap from last Sunday vs Bondi United

We were sadly on the wrong side of the ledger despite several promising plays. As soon as we start playing as a team for a full game and stick to our basic structure we will be able to have a lot more success and a lot more fun.

Axe of the week went to Jasper Thomas for hanging on for his determination in defence despite copping a bit a nasty bruise to his shoulder at rugby the day before.

Better than Lego award went to Archie Creswick for his best game so far this year. He really improved a lot and made some great runs with the footy. This award each week is not about the best player on the paddock, its about the player who shows the most improvement, determination and commitment. So each week there is often a number of players who are strong candidates.


'Get to our kick, every set'

Inspired by last night's '1-short-of-perfect' completion rates by both teams in the first half (NSW 18/19, QLD 18/18).

Tomorrow I will be working with the boys on playing simple, safe footy, trusting the process and completing our sets. Good old fashioned rugby league!

See you tomorrow or on Sunday.

Richard Thomas