Having known the Callander's through the Bronte community and now the Paddington Colts family, recent events certainly do leave me with a tear and a smile.
In what is a very difficult and sad situation, I'm inspired by the way that the local area, the Paddo Colts and especially rugby league as a whole have rallied to support a cause that is impacting some of their own.
Apparently 4000 beanies were sold at the Sharks v Cowboys NRL game last night. Right down to the final beanie which rumour has it, had 2 girls arguing over it! The volunteer staff literally sold the beanies they were wearing!
Then after a few hours sleep we were up early at Bronte Public School for a BBQ breakfast and the Today Show did their live sports cross with Tim Gilbert. A further 700 beanies were sold and over $18,000 raised.
Ok Paddo Colts, it's our turn next! Buy a beanie, donate to the Mark Hughes Foundation.
There will be Beanies available to purchase at Sunday's games, any NRL game this round, or through