Good afternoon Colts Mums and Dads,

I have received several emails from parents concerned about the synthetic surface our kids will be playing on this year at Waverley Oval No.2 - in relation to the surface being hard and kids getting burns from the synthetic grass.....

The only thing I can recommend in relation to burns would be to get your kids Skins etc. to wear under their playing strip.

In relation to the surface being hard/harder than turf..... In my opinion after walking on the field a few weeks ago during the recruitment drive the surface is Soft, not harder than any normal turf field.... I played my junior footy with The Colts in the 80's and the fields we played on were dust bowls that were harder than concrete with cricket pitches in the middle of the field..... I can't remember a game I didn't get grass burns...... This is part of the game.....

The synthetic surface is the most state of the art, modern playable surface available...... Our kids will  be better for the experience and should feel privileged playing here.