The shame of the Century

As a proud Paddington Colts Life Member and President I can safely say the foundations of our club are 

"Loyalty, Mateship, Respect & Integrity."

It's these qualities that have been passed down since 1949 and ingrained into our club and it's culture  

It is with great pride I recognise these qualities displayed in buckets by:

Brooklyn Hardaker  

Hunter Doyle  

Harris Kara-Diva,

from our under 17's team.

In short all of the boys want to play in this team, with their closest mates who also play in the team. 

The only reason they can't is summed up in Phil Rothfields Sunday Telegraph snippet below:

The disgrace of the Century

The disgrace of the Century

Brooklyn's Father, Uncle, Great Uncle & Grandfather played for this club. His Grandfather  & father are life members, his great Uncle is a former president, coach, administrator, life member and current patron & club advisor.

Hunter Doyle's family have sponsored this great clubs touch football teams for the last 5 years and is one of the major sponsors of our club for this year.

Harris Kara-Diva has played his whole life with Bondi United and being a Roosters Rep player last year had to play with St Charles.

At the 2015 season end, these boys stated their choice was to play for the Paddington Colts.

Their choice was denied by a president of their former club, a person who has  the power to do so at the push of a button. 

This act is one that is a very sad day for Rugby League.

The game has lost its way when a 70 year old man has the power to stop (3) 17 year old young men from playing the game they love with all their mates.

The good news is the boys showed all the qualities that make them great Colts. They train weekly, run water, take photos and sing the team song upon victory.

To the outsider these boys could be considered victims, however the true victim is Rugby League.  

In a time when 15 year old referees are subject to being punched, 60 year old men are being attacked on the sidelines of some games.

The dignity and resolve they have shown is beyond their years.

They will play with all their mates next year and soon forget the season they sat out because an old man had a set against them.

The true victim is the 70 year old president of St Charles who after 40 odd years service will leave a legacy that is frowned upon by every club parent and member of not only the Paddington Colts but all teams in the Sydney Roosters & South Sydney JRLFC.

The Paddington Colts will always welcome those who want to join our club as well as those who want to leave.

Can't wait to see these young men in the red and green in 2017. Well done Boys!