Breaking News Paddington Colts & Fiji Rugby League Join forces
Paddington Colts joins forces with Fijian Rugby League Chairman and Vice-Chairman James Pickering & Steve Driscoll. James and Steve are currently both Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Australian Fijian Rugby League. James Pickering is a former player and coach at the Sydney Roosters and will be coaching the Paddington Colts under 17's team this year. Steve is in his 10th year as one of the NYC S&C coaches.
“For us both we see the Paddo Colts as a genuine pathway for kids that aspire to play for the Roosters and a terrific environment for kids that just want to play rugby league.To have our players from our Australian Fijian Rugby League program to come and be part of a new beginning at one Sydney’s and most iconic Rugby League clubs.”
James Pickering
“ The AFRL will also be launching its inaugural womens rugby league team this year and we also see Paddo Colts as a potential home for our women that we will be playing Rugby Legaue for the Australian Fijians in 2016”
Steve Driscoll
in the photo from Right to Left: James Pickering, Joseph Ratuvakaceravalu & Sukamanu Raki (current Sydney Roosters NYC players) and Steve Driscoll at the 2015 Petero Civoniceva Medal Night.