Paddington Colts U 17's


Men I can't tell you how proud of your performance we were today.

You played with heart, as a unit and with the Paddington Colts pride.

The loss of today's game falls so short of the biggest win of our season we are forever bonded by the fact we are Paddington Colts forever.

We will talk about this season in 5 , 10, 20 years and I love what you young men achieved this year as a team. 

We stuck together through adversity played often with eleven men and lost 2 games the whole year. 

Sometimes the greatest wins aren't the game at all. The real win is the lifelong friendships the solid group of men who are now all brothers mates forever & proud Paddington Colts great work men

Thanks for make our team a great one

Thanks for reinforcing in my why we restarted this great club